State of the Nation

28% of registered voters say the country is headed in the right direction. 59% of registered voters say the country is on the wrong track.

Right track Wrong track
Democrats 60% 27%
Republicans 9% 89%
Independents 19% 68%

[Econ/YouGov 10/12/21]

In 2021 about half of Americans get news on social media at least “sometimes”; this is down slightly from 2020.

2021 2020
Often 19% 23%
Sometimes 29 30
Rarely 19 18
Never 24 21
Don’t get digital news 9 7

The following shows the percentage of U.S adults who use a particular site and how many regularly get news on that site.

Regularly get news on site Use the site Regular users
      Men Women
Facebook 31% 66% 35% 64%
YouTube 22 72 56 43
Twitter 13 23 56 43
Instagram 11 41 36 63
Reddit 7 17 67 31
TikTok 6 21 30 68
LinkedIn 4 26 54 44
Snapchat 4 23 40 59
WhatsApp 3 21    
Twitch 1 7  

[PEW 9/20/21]

This year, Social Security checks are going up by 5.9%, the highest increase in decades. The boost will affect nearly 70 million people. [NBC News 10/13/21]

Already this year, 18 weather disasters costing at least $1 billion each have hit the United States. These 18 events put 2021 in second place for the most billion-dollar disasters, just behind 2020 when there were 22 such events. Last year shattered the previous annual record of 16 such events, which occurred in 2017 and 2011. [WP 10/11/21]

More than a third of adults seeking housing, groceries, or new cars had trouble procuring them between August 15th and September 15th, 2021. Below is the full list of hard-to-get items.

A house or apartment 44%
Specific types of groceries and food 43%
Paper goods, such as towels or toilet paper 39%
A new car, pickup truck, etc 34%
A used car, pickup truck, etc 30%
Supplies for home repairs, improvements 29%
Home appliances 23%
Exercise and sports equipment 23%
Motorcycles 22%
Furniture 21%
Electronics, cell phones, computers 18%
Clothing/Apparel 14%

[Morning Consult 9/21/21]

A rising share of U.S. adults are living without a spouse or partner – the following is the percentage of the population ages 25-54 who are:

1990 2019
Unpartnered 29% 38%
Cohabiting 4% 9%
Married 67% 53%

Men are more likely than women to be unpartnered. A change from 30 years ago. [PEW 10/5/21]

The following list details annual public spending per child on early childhood care.

Norway $29,796
Iceland 24,427
Finland 23,353
Denmark 23,140
Germany 18,656
Sweden 18,010
OECD average 14,436
Austria 12,864
Slovenia 10,664
New Zealand 10,349
Spain 9,084
Chile 8,450
Lithuania 8,184
Australia 8,088
Hungary 7,222
Israel 3,322

[NYT 10/06/21]

Americans’ approval of the job being done by the U.S. Supreme Court has fallen to 40% – its lowest point since at least 2001. 53% disapprove of the job the Court is doing.

Approval has fallen 18 points over the last year when it was 58%. The previous low was 42% in 2016.

Further, confidence in the federal judiciary as a whole is now at 54%, the lowest it has been since 1973 except for a 53% rating in 2015. Other than those two scores, the previous low was 61% in 2014 and 2016. [Gallup 9/23/21]

52% of Americans say the government is doing too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses. 43% want the government to do more to solve the country’s problems. A year ago, 54% said the government should do more to solve problems. [Gallup 10/14/21]

Of the three branches of the U.S. government, which one do you trust the most?

The US Congress (the legislative branch) 16%
The Presidency (the executive branch) 25%
The US Supreme Court (the judicial branch) 58%

[Marquette University law school poll 9/16/21]

The FBI says murder and manslaughter rose 29.4% in 2020. This is the largest one-year increase since the federal government began compiling national figures in the 1960s. [WP 2021]