67% of the voting eligible population voted in the 2020 election. This was the highest percentage of the eligible population since 1900. The highest state turnout was Minnesota at 80%. The lowest state turnout was 55% in Oklahoma. Turnout in Georgia was 67%. [U.S. Election Project] Continue reading “The 2020 General Election”
Approval of the Congress is about where it was before the election. Continue reading “Congress”
Women Will Get It Done
Is this a sign of the times? (The names have been changed)
A friend of ours, sent us a holiday card with a return address sticker in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope that read:
“Ms. & Mr. Jane Smith
“Smith’s home address” Continue reading “Women Will Get It Done”
WW Recommends Books & Other Things
In this new feature of the Washington Watch, WW will primarily suggest books you may find interesting but now and then it may also mention a TV program, and other things. I welcome your suggestions and your input. What have you been reading that you think WW readers might like? Continue reading “WW Recommends Books & Other Things”
Restaurant: Mercy Me
It has been a long while since WW has been in a restaurant. But I have enjoyed pastries from Mercy Me on a number of occasions. So, I decided to share my thoughts with you. Continue reading “Restaurant: Mercy Me”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
64% of registered voters say the country is on the wrong track, that includes 65% of men and 64% of women.
22% of registered voters say the country is headed in the right direction. This includes 23% of men and 21% of women. [YouGov 11/10/20] Continue reading “State of the Nation”
This and That
Vice President Walter Mondale called on the 10th of November to remind me, that 56 years ago, on November 9, 1964, I first went to work for him in the Minnesota Attorney General’s office. For the next six weeks, before he was appointed to the United States Senate, I was his driver. Continue reading “This and That”
James Arthur Johnson
James Arthur Johnson was born in Benson, Minnesota on December 24, 1943.
Jim and I met 57 years ago in the fall of 1963 when we were both attending the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Jim was the president of the student body—an early indicator of his political prowess—and I was a law student and president of the board of publications which published the daily newspaper. Continue reading “James Arthur Johnson”