“Satire is cathartic, cleansing, and essential. It throws a glaring spotlight on social outrages and makes them live on more vividly in collective memory. But it’s rarely transformative. Still, it’s a helluva lot of fun.”
– John Lithgow Continue reading “Quotes”
President-Elect Biden
Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden, Jr., born November 20, 1942 (age 77), will become the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021. Continue reading “President-Elect Biden”
President Trump
As of 10/31/20, an NBC/WSJ poll found that 45% of registered voters approved of the job that President Trump was doing while 52% disapprove. Continue reading “President Trump”
The 2020 General Election
36 presidential candidates appeared on at least one ballot in 2020. This is five more than the 31 candidates who appeared on at least one ballot in 2016. Continue reading “The 2020 General Election”
2021 will be the first year since 1946 that there has not been a Kennedy in Congress. [NYT 11/6/20]
When Mondaire Jones is sworn in on January 4, 2021, he will be the first openly gay, Black member of Congress [WW]
Approval of the Congress remains the bleakest it has been in the past year. Continue reading “Congress”
Women Will Get It Done
The Miami Marlins named Kim Ng as the first woman in major league baseball to hold the title of general manager. She has worked in baseball for more than 30 years. [NYT 11/13/20] Continue reading “Women Will Get It Done”
WW Recommends Books (& other things)
In this new feature of the Washington Watch, WW will primarily suggest books you may find interesting but now and then it may also mention a TV program, and other things. I welcome your suggestions and your input. What have you been reading that you think WW readers might like? Continue reading “WW Recommends Books (& other things)”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
66% of registered voters say the country is on the wrong track, that includes 63% of men and 70% of women. Continue reading “State of the Nation”