“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
–Robert Brault Continue reading “Quotes”
President Trump
As of February 18, an Economist/YouGov poll found that 40% of registered voters approved of the job that President Trump is doing as president while 52% disapprove. 37% of women approve of the job he is doing along with 44% of men, while 54% of women disapprove along with 50% of men. Continue reading “President Trump”
Super Tuesday is March 3, 2020, 4 days from today.
The 59th presidential election will take place on November 3, 2020, 248 days from today. Continue reading “2020”
49% prefer that in the 2020 elections, the election deliver a Congress that is controlled by Democrats while 45% prefer a Congress controlled by Republicans. [NBC/WSJ 1/29/2020] Continue reading “Congress”
Women Will Get It Done
For the first time in history, women run the law journals at the top sixteen schools in the U.S. [WP] Continue reading “Women Will Get It Done”
Restaurant: Annabelle
If this address sounds familiar it’s because it used to house Nora Pouillon’s restaurant for some 38 years. Over the years I dined there many times. Continue reading “Restaurant: Annabelle”
Restaurant: Bresca
Debbie and I went to Bresca with Ricki and Tony. The restaurant has been open for about two years.
Bresca has a single Michelin star, one of 18 restaurants in the D.C. area that has one or more Michelin stars. Our experience proved that it deserves this honor. Neither Debbie or nor could recall a better meal from any of the many restaurants at which we have dined. (More about those 18 Michelin restaurants at the end of this piece.) Continue reading “Restaurant: Bresca”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
50% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, that includes 48% of men and 52% of women.
36% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction. This includes 39% of men and 33% of women. [Econ/YouGov 1/14/20] Continue reading “State of the Nation”