The judge overseeing the United States Women’s National Team’s gender discrimination lawsuit against U.S. Soccer granted the players class status on Friday, an important victory for the women that appeared to support the claim that they are subjected to unequal working conditions and unequal pay when they played games for their country. [NYT 11/8/19] Continue reading “Women Will Get It Done”
Restaurant: Iron Gate
Debbie and I went to Iron Gate for brunch with Lea and Wayne at their suggestion. It turned out to be a great choice. Continue reading “Restaurant: Iron Gate”
Restaurant Notes
Note No. 1: To date, WW has presented 384 restaurants in 8 countries, 56 cities, 1 railway station and 1 airport terminal. Continue reading “Restaurant Notes”
Restaurant: Little Pearl
The Hill Center was a Naval Hospital in the Civil War. Now it is an event and miscellaneous gallery/child and adult arts and education space including various classes including Tai Chi Chuan. Check out the Hill Center website. Continue reading “Restaurant: Little Pearl”
Restaurant: Pearl Dive Oyster Palace
At their invitation, I went with Simma and Ron to the Oyster Palace. We settled into a booth on the right side of the restaurant. Continue reading “Restaurant: Pearl Dive Oyster Palace”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
54% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, including 52% of men and 56% of women.
34% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction. This includes 37% of men and 31% of women. [Econ/YouGov 10/29/19] Continue reading “State of the Nation”
This and That
38% of adults say climate change is a crisis while another 38% say it is a major problem but not a crisis.
37% say that reducing the negative effects of global warming will require major sacrifices while 48% say it will only require minor sacrifices. Continue reading “This and That”
“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”
— Samuel Johnson Continue reading “Quotes”