Debbie and I went to Acquerello with Stan and Julia. Going to a restaurant in San Francisco with Stan is a unique experience and this was no exception. Continue reading “Restaurant: Acquerello”
Restaurant: Scoma’s
Debbie, Stan and I stopped at Scoma’s for lunch while sightseeing.
The restaurant is on edge of the water. There are boats in whichever direction you look. Continue reading “Restaurant: Scoma’s”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
35% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction. This includes 42% of men and 27% of women. 52% say it is on the wrong track including 48% of men and 57% of women. [Economist/YouGov 3/26/19]
In March, 33% of us were satisfied with the way things were going in the United States while 65% were dissatisfied. [Gallup 3/10/19] Continue reading “State of the Nation”
“We all knew from the time we were kids that we were going to die. We just didn’t know it would happen in our life time.”
–Shirley Turteltaub
Continue reading “Quotes”
President Trump
On March 27th the NBC/WSJ survey found that 43% approve of the job that Trump is doing as president. Among those expressing approval are 88% of Republicans, 60% of rural residents, 54% of men and 54% of whites overall.
53% disapprove of the job that he is doing including 88% of African Americans, 64% of Latinos, 61% of women, 57% of those age 18-34 and 51% of independents. [NBC/WSJ 3/27/19] Continue reading “President Trump”
The 59th presidential election will take place on November 3, 2020. 263 days from today.
“It’s unlikely that the 2020 campaign will do anything but widen the distrust of our institutions and each other. The challenge of the 21st century is to understand and anticipate where this distrust and disruption lead. The tipping point has yet to be reached. But it feels like we sit on its precipice more awkwardly than ever.” [Amy Walter, Cook Political Report, 3/22/19]
“The person who defines that race is going to win the race. If this is about Donald Trump and his personality, he isn’t going to win it.” [Former Republican Speaker Paul Ryan] Continue reading “2020”
In March 1995, Newt Gingrich had been a member of the House of Representatives since 1979 and had just taken office as the Speaker of the House. 85% of Americans knew his name and were able to rate him. Of those folks, 27% rated him positively, 41% negatively and 17% were neutral.
In April 2007, Nancy Pelosi had been a member of the House of Representatives since 1987 and had just taken office as the Speaker of the House for the first time. 79% of Americans knew her name and were able to rate her. Of those folks, 29% rated her positively, 30% negatively and 20% were neutral.
In March 2019, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) had been a member of the House of Representatives for just under three months. 72% of Americans know her name and are able rate her. Of those folks, 23% rated her positively, 34% negatively and 15% were neutral. [NBC/WSJ 3/27/19] Continue reading “Congress”
Women Will Get It Done
Every 16 hours a woman is shot dead by her current or former partner.
[Brady United Against Gun Violence] Continue reading “Women Will Get It Done”