For the first time in its 109-year history, a woman has become part of the Yale Whiffenpoofs, the oldest college a cappella group in the country. The first female Whiffenpoof is Sofia Campoamor. [WP 2/10/19] Continue reading “Women Will Get It Done”
Restaurant Note
The review of DeCarlo’s from the last issue of the Watch, erroneously failed to mention that I was introduced to DeCarlo’s by Bob and Rita and I have undoubtedly been there with them more than any other persons. Continue reading “Restaurant Note”
Restaurant: Tria
Debbie and I had dinner at the Tria on a recent trip to Dearborn.
As you enter the restaurant from the lobby of the hotel there is a bar at the right that seats 12. Above the bar are two very large TVs that can be easily seen throughout the restaurant. Continue reading “Restaurant: Tria”
Restaurant: Buck’s Fishing & Camping
Peter and Florence and Debbie and I went to Buck’s. Peter told us that Buck’s serves the best steak in the city, too large to finish in a single sitting or by one person alone. Continue reading “Restaurant: Buck’s Fishing & Camping”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
63% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track while 28% say it is headed in the right direction. The wrong track number has grown by 7% since December when 56% said it was on the wrong track. [NBC/WSJ 1/23/19]
26% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time. The dissatisfied rate is 72%. This is the lowest satisfaction rate and the highest dissatisfaction rate since November 2017. [Gallup] Continue reading “State of the Nation”
“Always remember to smell the flowers as you proceed along your life’s path.”
-Justice Jaynee LeVecchia, Supreme Court of New Jersey Continue reading “Quotes”
The 59th presidential election will take place on November 3, 2020.
The list of potential candidates from both parties will be sorted into three categories: “Announced/Running/Formed Committee”, “Testing the Waters” and “Mentioned”. Continue reading “2020”
Role of Women in Politics and Government
[Khaetlyn Grindell, candidate for an M.A. in Political Communications at American University School of Public Affairs, assisted with the research for the following section of the WW.]
Two Republican women and five Democratic women lead various party committees. Continue reading “Role of Women in Politics and Government”