“Not harassing us is important but basic. We need more. We need an equal share of time and attention that gets women into the roles they need.” – Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg at a Morgan Stanley investor Conference, 2/28/18
Continue reading “Women Will Get It Done”
Restaurant: Passion Fish
Debbie and I have eaten dinner three times at Passion Fish. The first visit was with Florence and Peter, the second with Gail and the third with Peter and Florence and Bonnie and Lou.
The second visit did not diminish our positive feelings after the first visit and the third visit continued the positive pattern.
Continue reading “Restaurant: Passion Fish”
Restaurant: Succotash
Debbie and I went to Succotash with Bev and Brady.
Succotash is located in the Old Equitable Co-operative Building Association building. The building was completed in 1912.
Continue reading “Restaurant: Succotash”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
34% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction while 60% say it is on the wrong track. [CBS News, 1/16/18]
29% of Americans are satisfied with the direction of the country while 69% are dissatisfied. [Gallup, 1/7/18]
54% of Americans believe that government should do more to “solve problems and help meet the needs of people.” 38% think the government is “doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals.” [NBC/WSJ, 1/18/18] Continue reading “State of the Nation”
(Courtesy of Simma Leibman and Joel Jankowsky & other sources as noted)
“Sometimes it is not enough to do our best; we must do what is required.” – Winston Churchill Continue reading “Quotes”
President Trump
On January 28, 2018, Gallup found that 38% of Americans approve of President Trump’s job performance and 58% disapprove. Continue reading “President Trump”
About Trump
In an overview memorandum on the most recent NBC/WSJ survey, Peter Hart wrote the following:
“Based on more than a half century of watching and analyzing public opinion ratings of U.S. presidents, I have found that personal feelings toward the president – not job ratings – tell us more about their acceptability….President Donald Trump’s first year in office can only be described as a year of personal alienation from voters.” Continue reading “About Trump”
“The White House has drafted a proposal to scale back environmental requirements in an effort to make it easier to construct roads, bridges and pipelines across the country…
“The plan would change things such as how officials decide a pipeline route, how a proposed border wall with Mexico would be built… Continue reading “Disassembling”