The following is a list of people who have been mentioned (by either themselves or others) as potential candidates in 2020. Folks are on the list whether or not they have claimed or disclaimed any interest in running. Continue reading “2020”
Congress’ approval rating continues at a subterranean level. Continue reading “Congress”
Women Will Get It Done
Women are stepping forward to run for Congress in unprecedented numbers.
As of the end of the first week in December, 354 women have announced they are running for the House (291 Democrats and 63 Republicans) and 38 women are running for the Senate (25 Democrats and 13 Republicans). [NYTimes, 12/5/17] Continue reading “Women Will Get It Done”
Restaurant: The Bachelor Farmer
The Bachelor Farmer was opened in 2011 by two brothers, Eric and Andrew Dayton. They happen to be the sons of Minnesota’s governor, Mark Dayton. (An old friend of mine.) Continue reading “Restaurant: The Bachelor Farmer”
About Baby Diapers
If you are receiving this it is because you receive my Washington Political Watch, because you have at one time or another been invited to my “Just Becuz” or Valentine’s Day luncheon, or you are on one of my personal lists. And, I apologize if you receive this email more than once.
I promise that this is the first and last time I will use these lists to seek a charitable contribution for any organization or cause. Continue reading “About Baby Diapers”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
28% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction while 58% say it is on the wrong track. [Reuters/Ipsos, 12/5/17]
68% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country today. 27% are satisfied. [Pew, 12/4/17]
Continue reading “State of the Nation”
This and That
As a result of e-commerce, 6,000 brick and mortar stores have closed so far this year. There are 65,000 fewer retail jobs since January 2017. [Axios, 11/25/17]
Continue reading “This and That”
More About Diapers
48% of families delay changing a diaper to extend their supply of diapers.
The poorest 20% of Americans who buy diapers spend nearly 14% of their after-tax income on diapers.
Continue reading “More About Diapers”