Seylou Bakery and Mill is off the beaten path of my usual ventures around Washington but I was intrigued by an extended story about Seylou in the Washington Post.
Continue reading “Restaurant: Seylou Bakery & Mill”
State of the Nation
*Any statements in this issue of the Watch which are not sourced are mine and identified by “WW”.
31% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction while 64% say it is on the wrong track. [CBS, 10/30/17] Continue reading “State of the Nation”
The 2017 Election
Democrats had run away victories in the gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia. In New Jersey, Phil Murphy–in his first run for public office–was easily elected governor. In Virginia, Lt. Governor Ralph Northam handily won the governorship. Continue reading “The 2017 Election”
This and That
It is Friday afternoon September 29, 2017 and HHS Secretary Tom Price’s resignation is announced. The following are the times that the announcements from various news organizations hit my inbox. Continue reading “This and That”
This particular item is quite different from anything I have written about before in the Washington Watch, so forgive my interjection of this topic. And if you are not curious feel free to move on to the next section which is “Quotes”.
A while back my niece Nicki turned 50. I sent her a financial gift and when she sent me a thank you note she said she had given the money to the St. Louis Diaper Bank. Continue reading “Diapers”
(Courtesy of Simma Leibman; other sources as noted)
“He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.” – William Faulkner about Ernest Hemingway Continue reading “Quotes”
President Trump
On November 5, 2017, Gallup found that 37% of Americans approve of President Trump’s job performance and 57% disapprove. Continue reading “President Trump”
About President Trump
It has become increasingly clear that the top of President Trump’s agenda is to repeal or otherwise undercut in any way possible anything that is seen as action taken by President Obama. Continue reading “About President Trump”